Making Space for Your Sadness 054

We all have ideas of how a grief journey should go, the consensus being that the grief gets smaller, easier to carry, as time goes on. In the beginning when everything feels so overwhelming and hopeless, we set our sights on working towards the day that we can make it through without breaking down in tears.

But have we considered the ways our sadness and tears are helping us? Whitney shares in today’s episode that she hasn’t been giving herself space to feel her sadness, telling herself that she is far enough along on her grief journey that she doesn’t need to feel sad anymore, and what happened when she finally did.

In this episode Whitney shares that listening to the playlist the she made early in her grief journey, when she couldn’t bear to listen to mainstream media, helped her in processing her grief and sadness.
Below is the playlist. Please feel free to check it out and maybe one of the songs will speak to you too.

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Links from this episode:

Whitney’s Orion Playlist

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Music by Coma-Media from Pixabay
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