Signs From Orion & Unique Ways to Honor Your Loved One During The Holidays 058

Being Spiritual, knowing your child is still with you in Spirit, helps but it doesn't replace the feeling of holding them in your arms and the absence seems stronger over the holidays. Whitney shares ways that she honors Orion during the holidays, in ways you might not have thought of, and why it's important to her to do so.

If you are doing acts in honor of your child during the holiday season and are sharing them on Instagram, please let Whitney know by tagging her @theselfishgriever or #selfishgriever. She will be sharing on her Instagram and would love to see all the ways other parents are bringing more kindness into the world because of their child they grieve.

Looking for more support during the holiday season? Here is a playlist of episodes for grief support.

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Music by Coma-Media from Pixabay
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Yoga Nidra: A Gentle Practice to Support Your Grief | Kenna Cox 059


Using Breathwork to Release Trauma - Greg Moran 057