Grief Journey: Stopping the Guilt Over Your Child’s Death 026

Whitney couldn't always talk about Orion like she does now. For the first two years Whitney avoided mentioning him and would dread if a stranger asked, "How many kids do you have?" or "Does Maverick have any siblings?" Lying by omission about Orion felt wrong, but Whitney told herself it was better than trying to hear whatever other people would say in response. Eventually Whitney realized, it didn't matter what other people said because the story she was telling herself in her head was all she could hear - "You didn't keep your son safe."

Today Whitney shares how she worked through the trap of guilt that she had created for herself after Orion drowned when he was two years old and some suggestions for things you can try and resources to use if you are experiencing the same and looking to stop the cycle of guilt.

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For more information and support you can connect with Whitney directly on Instagram @theselfishgriever or at
She reads all her DMs personally and will respond as soon as she can.

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