Grief & Weight Gain 018

Contrary to the popular stereotype, not everyone loses weight when they are grieving and depressed. Today's episode shares a little recognized truth that the grief impacting your emotions is drastically affecting your hormone balance, which can lead to unexpected weight gain. Whitney experienced this and couldn't understand what was going on until she heard a presentation from a licensed health professional sharing her grief journey and how it impacted her hormones and weight. Whitney candidly discusses her weight gain and what she has tried, and failed at, to try and lose the extra 30 pounds, as well as what she is trying next in hopes of making a change.

The Girlfriend Doctor that Whitney heard at a grief conference.
The 2B Mindset Dietician Whitney followed before Orion's death.
The Health Coach that Whitney is working with now for a 6-week program.

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Links from this episode:

Girlfriend Doctor

2B Mindset Dietician

Health Coach


Does Grief Increase Mediumship Abilities? Dr. Lenore Matthews 019


A Grieving Dad's Spiritual Perspective on Life, Work and Signs 017