Grief Support: Grieving the Passing of an Adult Child 010

The grief support organization that Cyn participates in is, Helping Parents Heal. They are a great resource, created by grieving parents for grieving parents seeking to learn more and discuss the spiritual aspects of grief, with an active private Facebook Group.
The video of Cyn's Mediumship Reading that she discusses at the end of the episode.
The medium that Cyn used, Fara Gibson, based out of Phoenix, Az.

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For more information and support you can connect with Whitney directly on Instagram @theselfishgriever or at
She reads all her DMs personally and will respond as soon as she can.

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Links from this episode:

Helping Parents Heal

Helping Parents Heal Facebook Group

The video of Cyn's Mediumship Reading

Medium Fara Gibson

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How Grief Affects Your Nervous System - Grieving Mom & Coach Melissa Dlugolecki 011


Tips for Child Loss Memorial Tattoos by LA Artist Huka Lewis 009